Region Cherson. Russische Soldaten stellen weiterhin Videos von Live-Menschenjagden online und fügen dabei höchst ungeeignete Musik hinzu. Hier versuchen sie, eine Frau auf einem Fahrrad zu töten.


  1. Flimsy_List8004 on

    And there are people in this group that support Russia. Let that sink in.

  2. Flimsy_Pudding1362 on

    Russian tg channel that posts information from Kherson direction called “From Mariupol to Carpathians” (https://t .me/osvedomitell_alex/20463?single) names it “The Red Zone”, and that any “Any movement of motor vehicles will be considered a legitimate target. All critical infrastructure facilities are a legitimate target.”

    They also promise not to attack those civilians who will snitch on Ukrainian Armed Forces.

  3. These videos needs to be talked about in medias, lets the normal people learn about this shit. UN, Nato, the west, needs to get their fingers out of their asses at once

  4. Usual_Accountant_963 on

    The Nazis did this in WW2
    The 3m German men the Russians abducted after ww2 have risen again in Russia this time

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