Der Nobelpreisträger behauptet, der frühere Chefwissenschaftler von OpenAI habe Sam Altman entlassen, weil ihm „die KI-Sicherheit viel weniger am Herzen liegt als der Profit“ – und deutet an, dass Superintelligenz am Horizont stehen könnte: „Vielleicht bleiben uns noch vier Jahre“, bis die Menschheit ausstirbt


  1. MetaKnowing on

    “Scientists John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton recently received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discoveries that helped fuel the development of artificial neural networks.

    Former OpenAI Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever was Geoffrey E. Hinton’s student. Hilton branded Sutskever as a ‘clever’ student (he even admitted that the scientist was more ‘clever’ than him) and made things work.

    Hilton also used the opportunity to criticize the ChatGPT maker’s trajectory under Sam Altman’s leadership. He further claimed Altman is much less concerned with AI safety than with profits.

    Hilton predicts we’re [on the verge of hitting superintelligence, which could lead to human extinction](”

  2. Azimuth322 on

    Doubt, but if true I welcome our SuperAI overlords.

    This current meta with billionaires and economy in general can fuck right off.

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