Die Kampagne eines Mannes gegen seine „Anti-Fun“-Stadt


Von Alert-One-Two


  1. “Over time, it’s become increasingly focused on catering to older residents,” he continued.

    “While it’s great that there’s so much for those who’ve retired, it feels like that’s come at the expense of forgetting about the younger generations.”

    Isn’t this the whole country at this point?

  2. pajamakitten on

    Living in Christchurch means I can really relate to this. The high street is all cafes and charity shops, there is nothing close to recreation aimed at younger adults and it does not feel like I have a voice at all. It is similar across Dorset as a whole, which is one reason why young people leave. The county won’t have much of a future when future generations feel they have no place in it.

  3. PsychoticDust on

    My teenager doesn’t have much to do beyond home, and we live in a city. I tell her that she and her friends should hang out in person much more often, rather than speak mostly via their phones and social media, but there are only so many times they can hang around the local shopping center before they get bored, and none of them can constantly afford to pay to do things, because, you know, they’re kids. I’ll give her some money for activities every now and again, but what is the point if other families can’t afford it? She will often say no thanks for that very reason.

    No disrespect to other families of course, I am not wealthy in the slightest, and I know that it is tough for the majority of families.

    Even in my local neighborhood, we have things like coffee mornings, meetups, occasional free coach trips, etc, but they are always during the afternoon and during the week. Guess which demographic that appeals to the most? Meanwhile teenagers have nothing to do.

  4. tfhermobwoayway on

    See I don’t really have much worldly experience compared to older generations. And I understand they’ve worked hard and deserve a lot of things. But it does feel like they’re catered to a little too much compared to everyone else.

  5. newnortherner21 on

    Good to see someone being creative in making a point instead of just moaning.

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