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  1. CicolaeSeausescu on

    Considering what “innovatipn” gave us in the last 10 years I can happily do without. In fact, I’d go back to the 90s world in an instant.

  2. 23trilobite on

    Let’s rephrase it a bit:

    US – “Use everything on camera to teach AI!”

    China “Use everything on camera to teach AI and also monitor, track, evasdrop and punish people”

    EU – “You will not use that footage to teach your AI and track people!”

  3. Cars without dashboards and without physical controls are not “innovation”. If anything, the EU should forbid that shit and introduce a new EU car standard that includes sensible car control and accessibility prescriptions.

  4. MiASzartIrjakIde on

    But what about the corporations freedom to do whatever they want?

  5. I thought this was r/europe? Recently it just seems like r/ americanfanboy!

    Im slowly coming to the conclusion that this is just psy-op nudge campaign and about as European as radio free Europe

  6. adamosmaki on

    Yeah right showing one of the worst trends of auto industry aka Large screens and no physical controls to make a point about US innovation is BS. Also there are many areas that Europe innovates without total disregard of consumer and workers rights

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