Ein russischer Soldat, der sich vor und nach der Operation eine sehr deutliche Wunde im Bereich seiner rechten Hüfte zugezogen hat. Die Quelle gibt an, dass es sich dabei um das Werk eines ukrainischen Panzers handelte



  1. Metron_Seijin on

    Must be a high ranking officer or rich for them to waste time on him like that.

  2. The fact that humans are able to survive crazy stuff like this is ridiculous.

  3. Arc_Reflex on

    Looks like his pelvis is smashed to bits. Probably never walk again.

  4. yinyang263 on

    Ditto the above comment. The damage is catastrophic. What can be saved? What quality-of-life will be attained? What is the cost of the materials? Are other patients available? Hippocratic oath…not superman….where will you obtain for skin graft?

  5. There’s no after, just the bandaged one. I was expecting a heald butt.

  6. I never thought wounds like this were survivable.

    Not the first time I’ve seen footage of such a wound, but usually it’s drone footage that doesn’t end well for them.

  7. CupCharacter853 on

    This is what the source wrote:

    >🔞 We don’t abandon our own!

    >You can be sure that in any case they will come for you and pull you out even from the other world. Even if it is very dangerous, even if it is very far, even if it is heavy.

    >And this example confirms it: this fighter with a severe wound was pulled out from the very front. A tank worked on him. Upon arrival, the pressure was almost undetectable, bleeding “from all the cracks”. We tied off some of the vessels, some were stopped with tight tamponade, guiding stitches and pelvic compression. Massive blood loss was replenished with several doses of blood and plasma.

    >Oddly enough, given the existing fracture of the sacrum and ilium, the wound was non-penetrating. The fighter is already recovering.

  8. All patched up Vlad….Now back to the front line for mother Russia.

  9. Big_Satisfaction9919 on

    Who the hell is originally sharing these videos ? Pardon my incompetence, but I fail to understand the value of sharing that with your enemies – wouldn’t they try to conceal anything that makes Russia look bad or weak? I realize it could be a civilian leak, but that’s a risky move.

  10. Recovery will be hell for that soldier. I bet daily wound care is in order. The amount of supplies to treat that on a country with limited resources yikes.

  11. can_belch_alphabet on

    I’m just glad the proctologist was able to save his face.

  12. I am appalled that a person WITHOUT GLOVES touches both wound and bone with their bare hands. If he does not die from the operation – he will subsequently die of infections.

  13. H_Holy_Mack_H on

    This it’s not before and after…they just clean the wound…I want to see the guy running again, running away from Ukrainian drones LOL

  14. Disappointin_parents on

    Oh I’ve seen furniture repairs for situations like these. He just needs some ramen and super glue to fill it in and he’ll be good enough for the from line by tomorrow

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