1. I hope millions of them die in Pedorussia in some civil war someday. Disgusting mutts.

  2. Why do you promote russian mediazona when we have Ukrainian osint (telegram: pechalbeda200) and it confirms identities of 74651 good russian right at this moment?

  3. [Battle of Khasham](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham?wprov=sfti1) reporting in Bilt tells us that Russian numbers of 73,000 mean KIA of just under 300,000

    TBH, I thought the Ukraine was 2:1 wounded to killed.

    This is the Russians admitting their losses are closer to 1:1 wounded to killed.

    Presume this explains why I hear they are paying USD$1 billion in signing bonuses each month to maintain Russian army numbers.

  4. Futurismes on

    Besides the lucky dead ones, more than half a million wounded return to Russia to see that nobody cares about them. They’ll have to beg for scraps, the killers from jail get to kill again, the new alcoholics destroying everything around them and so many with mental problems. Pootin is fucking insane. Satan is already waiting for him.

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