Die Schweiz schiebt zwei afghanische Kriminelle nach Afghanistan ab



  1. BezugssystemCH1903 on

    >__Switzerland has deported two Afghans with final criminal convictions to Kabul.__

    >It marked the first deportation to Afghanistan since 2019, a spokesperson for the ministry of justice confirmed to the Keystone-SDA news agency on Sunday.

    >The State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) informed the cantons about the deportation of the two men on Friday, which was previously reported by Swiss German weekly Sonntagblick.

    >They are “serious offenders” who present a threat to Switzerland’s internal security, SEM Deputy Director Vincenzo Mascioli told the newspaper. According to the report, the two Afghans received CHF500 ($583) in cash from the Swiss authorities to help them get started before their departure.

    >Further deportations are now to follow “as quickly as possible”, Mascioli was quoted as saying. According to the Sonntagsblick, 13 serious criminals from Afghanistan are still in Switzerland.

  2. They need to deport the other 13 afgan “serious criminals” and they should honestly deport any criminal migrant.

  3. StatisticianFair930 on

    Will end up in the UK claiming the Swiss inhibited their human rights. 

  4. Adept-Slice on

    I‘m from switzerland and the Afghan and Arab mobs are getting completely uncontrollable. There‘s so many groups waiting on railways stations late at night to beat you or rob you. Happened to a son of my dad‘s friend. Also some parks where i used to have quiet lunchtime i‘m not going to anymore because they‘re constantly lurking around there.

    Quite sad and pathetic because Switzerland is really a country that takes care of you merging into the culture and giving you the chance to build a high quality of life. But people from the MENA always arrive with already sinister and predispositioned intentions.

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