Forscher entwickeln einen Laser, der die bislang stärksten ultrakurzen Laserpulse erzeugt


  1. gamesexposed on

    “The short pulses reach peak powers of 100 megawatts (which, in theory, would be enough to power 100.000 vacuum cleaners for a short time).”

    Couldn’t help but chuckle at this. Ummm, how many lit football fields is that?

  2. RosyRadiance1 on

    I just hope no one accidentally aims this at their vacuum cleaner, though… 100,000 of those going off would be one way to clean up the lab real fast

  3. EvoEpitaph on

    I suspect this would be great for zapping enemy weaponry out of the sky with pin point accuracy. Unless by short they mean distance travelled and not duration of pulse.

    Edit: I suspected incorrectly.

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