„Russlands schmutziges Geld wird unseren demokratischen Prozess kapern“: Wie das kleine Moldawien befürchtet, dass der Kreml das EU-Referendum manipuliert


Von lolikroli


  1. All the best for all moldovans, hopefully they can finally get rid of the russian interference in their country’s future. But if something has been proved right during this past years is that they must always stay vigilant.

    Even if the referendum goes well, and they get to join the EU, you can never let your guard down, since there is always the possibility that some pro-russian sycophant can take power like it happened in Hungary with Orban.

  2. Quite funny that russians in attempt to buy elections paying more in Moldova than musk in the US.

    Americans are going to sell their country for 47 bucks, and at the same time they say that East Europe is corrupted

  3. Can we for fucks sake please do the obvious thing already? Give Russia a deadline to withdraw from Transnistria, and if not the soldiers they have there will be blown up. Then Moldova’s path to EU and NATO membership is open wide. Maybe even unification with Romania would be on the table. 

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