Heldenhund, der Seevögel auf schottischen Inseln schützt, zum „Tier des Jahres“ gekürt https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/hero-spaniel-who-protects-endangered-33869116.amp Von topotaul
Frau eines Tory-Ratsmitglieds zu 31 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, weil Social-Media-Beiträge Rassenhass geschürt haben
ClassicFlavour on 12.10.2024 2:58 PM > rats can also swim between islands I didn’t know rats could swim between islands. I wouldn’t have doubted it if someone told me, but I could’ve lived happily without knowing it.
1 Comment
> rats can also swim between islands
I didn’t know rats could swim between islands. I wouldn’t have doubted it if someone told me, but I could’ve lived happily without knowing it.