Is there a $ limit to being a small business? Would this count a 1 billion dollar investment bank as a small business if it has fewer than 500 employees?
WhileProfessional286 on
Would be interesting to compare this data to 2018 and see how bad COVID was for small businesses.
RealSaltShaker on
It’s interesting that many of the so called “business friendly” states have a lower percentage of people working for small businesses. Perhaps they’re extra friendly to big businesses.
angrybirdseller on
😆Meatball Ron not creating jobs with those taxcuts!
MirthMannor on
The “Less than 500 people” definition gives weird edge cases. Hedge funds with 100s of billions in assets, famous not for profits such as the NFL and Girl Scouts, a ton of startups (Axios, Notion), etc.
LineOfInquiry on
This is just a map of rural vs urban states isn’t it? Rural states will have more small businesses since they have more small towns it isn’t profitable for large businesses to compete in.
Is there a $ limit to being a small business? Would this count a 1 billion dollar investment bank as a small business if it has fewer than 500 employees?
Would be interesting to compare this data to 2018 and see how bad COVID was for small businesses.
It’s interesting that many of the so called “business friendly” states have a lower percentage of people working for small businesses. Perhaps they’re extra friendly to big businesses.
😆Meatball Ron not creating jobs with those taxcuts!
The “Less than 500 people” definition gives weird edge cases. Hedge funds with 100s of billions in assets, famous not for profits such as the NFL and Girl Scouts, a ton of startups (Axios, Notion), etc.
This is just a map of rural vs urban states isn’t it? Rural states will have more small businesses since they have more small towns it isn’t profitable for large businesses to compete in.