Seit Jahren macht Ye (ehemals Kanye West) mutige Aussagen über mächtige Eliten, Zensur und Manipulation in Branchen wie Unterhaltung, Medien und Mode. Während viele seine Äußerungen als Folge von Exzentrizität, unberechenbarem Verhalten oder sogar Geisteskrankheit abtaten, stellt sich die Frage, was passiert, wenn in Yes Behauptungen mehr Wahrheit steckt, als wir zugeben möchten?

Schauen Sie sich an, wie schnell einflussreiche Persönlichkeiten zum Schweigen gebracht werden, wenn sie gegen die gängigen Narrative verstoßen. Künstler, die sich zu kontroversen Themen äußern, werden häufig mit Gegenreaktionen, Vertragskündigungen oder Rufmorden konfrontiert. Diese Muster lassen Sie sich fragen: Gibt es eine tiefere Absicht hinter dem, was Ye aufzudecken versuchte? War sein Kampf mit den Brancheneliten ein Zeichen des Widerstands gegen Kontrollstrukturen, die der Öffentlichkeit verborgen blieben?

Von appleman33145


  1. appleman33145 on

    Submission Statement:
    This post is intended to spark a deeper conversation about the nature of control in entertainment and media industries. Whether or not you agree with Ye’s methods, it’s worth questioning who benefits from the narratives that are promoted—and who suffers for speaking out against them.

  2. Plastic-Natural3545 on

    There once was a man from New York named Dapper Dan. Dan was a black man, known for his tailoring and clothes making. Dan popularized high-end logos on street wear, prompting companies like Louis Vutton to shut his shit down and start selling clothes themselves. 

    Louis Vutton was a luggage company prior to the 90’s. Did you know Dapper Dan is why they now sell clothes? Ofcourse you don’t. 

    Short answer: Yes. The “elites” control information *heavily*.  Ye was right, now watch them Buckbreak him and Diddy for disobeying massa. 

  3. arnoldinho82 on

    Did you post this before or after you learned of today’s sex abuse allegations against Kanye?

  4. Alternatively one could view this as the effect of being so rich you become disconnected and lose touch with reality. He already struggled with bipolar disorder before the death of his mother made him more unstable and prone to outlandish statements about himself being god and whatnot. I think that blaming the elites, or a shadow cabal of Jews or whatever you believe is just you falling into the same delusions as him. He was a brand worth billions of dollars until he went off the deep end and started repeating the typical online Holocaust denial quotes and statistics you’d see on 4chan and talking about how much he loved Hitler. There is no conspiracy as to what happened to Kanye just open your eyes.

    Edit: Much love XOXO stay safe and don’t fall down any delusional rabbit holes. Also maybe try watching 21 Jump Street cause Ye said that Jonah Hill was so good in it that he stopped being antisemitic.

  5. Unsolved_Virginity on

    Let’s say he’s right.

    Now what? What are you going to do?

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