Ermöglicht die Zerstörung stationärer Ziele, gepanzerter Fahrzeuge und feindlichen Personals.

Im Juni erhielt die 100. separate mechanisierte Brigade zehn solcher Drohnen.

Ein wenig zu TTX: Der Aktionsradius der BpLA beträgt 70 km. Die Aufenthaltsdauer in der Luft beträgt 1 Stunde. Es ist mit einem Elektromotor ausgestattet, der für einen ruhigen und unauffälligen Flug sorgt. Kampfeinheit – unbekannt.

Der ungefähre Preis eines solchen UAV beträgt 100.000 UAH. (2400 Dollar)


  1. Ok-Piccolo-1961 on

    Let them fly !!!!!
    They will accomplish their task !!!!
    Slava Ukraini. !!!!

  2. Really good to see that Ukraine keeps developing and improving drones of all kind. Do we know what warhead this drone can carry?

  3. Boredengineer_84 on

    Ingenuity off the scale. If us NATO countries wont allow our weapons to be used against Russia, make your own

    Fuck Russia
    Fuck NATO indecision

  4. Open-Passion4998 on

    This is an awesome development if it’s effective and production can be scaled. One thing russia does have an advantage in in mid range suicide drones with the lancet being very prevalent. If Ukraine can make something just as effective for this price it would be great for high value target hunting and counter battery work

  5. Waynebo1952 on

    The UkrainIan’s have learned how to make Navies obsolete. striking Russian navy at will till they had to pull their entire navy out of the Black Sea.

  6. Sugarjack88 on

    “Do I need to tell you what you can do with an aluminum tube?” -Dave Chappelle as Black Bush

  7. Jolly-Implement7016 on

    Canada will send around 80,000 rocket engines. Could these be used for these kind of drones?

  8. aatuhilter on

    Only if these had 1000km range to hit kreml. Would send 100 at a time.

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