Sinn Féin-Mitglieder forderten Mary Lou McDonald auf, keine „negativen“ oder „unangemessenen“ Fragen zu stellen

Von badger-biscuits


  1. Charming-Potato4804 on

    That’s democracy folks!

    # Be Kind!


  2. Bill_Badbody on

    >In response to queries, a Sinn Féin spokesman said: “We were aware there were issues in the constituency. There were no formal complaints made. The party attempted to resolve the issues arising through mediation and discussion. This was not successful. We don’t believe there was vetting of questions.”

    >When the content of the messages was put to the party, a spokesman said that “if what is alleged did transpire, that was inappropriate”.

    So the sf rep just flat out lied when answering the question, when caught out had to back track.

    At least it’s good to see some people in the party willing to stand up to the top tables. The lack of internal rumbles as their polling numbers tumbled over the last while, looked very undemocratic.

  3. ImpovingTaylorist on

    Mary Lou should have gone 6 months ago.

    The writing was on the wall, but SF was not strong enough to remove her. It will be a costly mistake at the polls.

  4. Traditional-Map2728 on

    mary lou is right fucking bitch, the sooner sinn fein get rid of her the better

  5. LeastGas1664 on

    Mary lou is a toothless fucking bully. Has been shown up as a no-policy populist with the flip-flopping on immigration and hate speech laws. She brings literally nothing to the table and goes missing every time a debate gets hot. 

  6. If Mary Lou fucked off before the election, SF might have a chance at retaining my vote.

    But she, and the rest of the leadership, are so arrogant they will ignore the writing on the wall and go through a catastrophic election before she resigns.

    I can’t even imagine a scenario where she doesn’t resign after this election.

    Congrats Mary Lou, formally of Fianna Fail, you have well and truly shit the bed.

  7. Character_Common8881 on

    Looks like the military discipline is breaking down in the ranks.

  8. Aye I’m sure that’s not just something someone the members in her own constituency didn’t want running made up to make her jumping ship to save face look more believable

  9. Dorcha1984 on

    Crazy how fortunes have changed for SF and with it people are abandoning ship.

  10. One of the major problems Sinn Fein has is that if Mary Lou was to fexk off in the morning, then who would replace her?

    The current party vice president serves in a different jurisdiction. Pearse doherty is the most likely choice of the current TDs but publicly he is not that popular.

    Eoin Ó Broin is even more dislikeable, at times see comes across as a bit of a spoofer and seems to get frustrated in interviews when he is challenged on his points.

    Sinn Fein for the past couple of years have based their entire manifesto it seems off of one word “change”. Although they seem to get very woolly when they are asked specific questions about that change.

    Although I have to hand it to them they have impressively managed to steal defeat from the jaws of victory. For the first time in recent history FG or FF or not leaders of the opposition. That fell to Sinn Fein, they had an opportunity to cement themselves as an alternative to the status quo. And what did they do flip-flop on the referendums, on controversial issues like immigration, fly unrealistic housing plans and so on.

    It was a once in a generation chance barring a major political upset the status quo of FF oe FG leading both the opposition and the government interchangeably will resume after the next election.

    Slow golf clap.

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