Das ist ein echtes D

Von Positive-Wasabi935


  1. Candid-Bad8294 on

    If you mix 100 fakes in about 5 real then people will assume all 105 are fake.

  2. I always thought it was meant to be funny. I don’t think its serious.. You never know tho lol. I have seen clips of fake birds.. Its no that far fetched to believe that a bird could be turned into a surveilence device with the tech we and def the gov has. That said I can assure people that most birds are in fact real animals. My cat has ate a lot of them and I personally have helped many birds into this world from egg to flight, and saved many a carolina wren babie that their silly parents like to have inside the cats areas.

    Chickens like to spy on you and watch what you are doing but they are looking for tidbits you scrape up usually or treats… at least I think.. You never know though… I guess the letter agencies could have air dropped them a recording device to hide under their feathers.. When I hold these birds its pretty apparent that they are not full of tranmitters and stuff as they are mushy and not hard and plastic and stuff like a fake bird would be.. If the bird isn’t acting right though… has robotic flight charactaristics or stops and turns falls to parts instead of rot and bones it may have been spying on you.

  3. Positive-Wasabi935 on

    I thought it was hilarious actually. I never even considered anything else… Until I read ky420’s post. I guess it’s not that far-fetched. I was watching Rick & Morty. Remember when the squirrels were sentient and Morty found out because he overheard them? I think they had to trash that reality, too. Lol.

    Yet Candid-Bad actually brought up a great point. I don’t know if you’re joking or not, though I mean, I’ve never allowed myself to even think about birds being fake but if I think about how technology is shrinking, such as microchips… And if I think about drones and how far that technology has come – then it’s not absurd to think that they would’ve already created something the size of a bird that can do anything a drone can do. Well, almost anything because I don’t think a bird drone could drop a nuclear payload. It could definitely surveil though. Just used that word ‘they’… Who are they? Man, there are so many freaking conspiracies that the last thing we need to start thinking is that birds even exist that aren’t real. 😂

  4. Positive-Wasabi935 on

    I really want to discuss this Hollow moon idea… I had never even heard of such a thing until literally yesterday, but I watched a compelling show about it on the Why Files on YT. Even the guy that created the documentary said that out of all the hundreds of videos he’s created about conspiracy theories that he never did believe any of them really until the hollow moon idea. He said there were just a couple of videos that made him a believer, and that was one of them. I’m just amazed that I’ve never even heard of some of these things or most of them really.

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