Das Konzert von SEVENTEEN wird vorübergehend unterbrochen, da auf der Bühne ein Feuer ausbricht


  1. akiraeijisun on

    im sorry to use koreaboo, i couldnt find a better source 😭

    i was at the concert and saw it around the beginning of the vcr but didnt realize it was a fire (since i was so far away). they stopped in the middle of the vcr for about 20 minutes. a staff went up and put it out !!

    they missed the opportunity to sing fire after they came back on stage ㅋㅋ

  2. kenporusty on

    Please tell me this happened before or after Hot

    And Carat waving away smoke with merch is so on brand

    All jokes aside, I’m very glad no one was injured and it was contained quickly!

  3. Leather_Inflation401 on

    Incidents like this are why it’s important to know where your emergency/fire exits are. The moment you notice something is *off*, even if it’s like a tiny fire, you need to start making your way toward the exit. You don’t know how well any specific venue complies with fire regulations – and, if it doesn’t (like with the station nightclub fire), things can turn bad really fast.

    I don’t care if you’re in a GA concert at the front row. Your safety and quite literally *your life* are more important than a front row view of a concert that suddenly became sketchy.

    Edit: informant -> important

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