Über 50 Personen wurden festgenommen, als die Polizei über Nacht zwei Schwulenclubs in Moskau durchsuchte


Von duckanroll


  1. TravellingMills on

    Heartbreaking considering we know what will happen to these people.

  2. everydayasl on

    So…back then the Nazi government enforced a law called Paragraph 175, which made homosexuality illegal, and they arrested thousands of gay men, sending many to concentration camps where they faced brutal treatment, including death. This persecution was part of the broader horrors of the Holocaust and the Nazis’ oppressive policies against many minority groups.

    So who are the nazis of today, Putin?

  3. ArcadialoI on

    These people in gay clubs in Moscow have more balls than people who detain them.

  4. silver2006 on

    And to think that Tatu, you know, the 2 girls, were in 2000s,
    and i thought that in Russia it will be normal, accepted,
    and now 20 years later we have this…

    I am straight but damn i have absolutely nothing against lgbt people in a club, let them have fun!

    And it’s madness, they weren’t even marching in the streets, with transparents etc, promoting it, they were “contained” in a damn club.

    Wonder how many Kremlin officials watched lesbian or gay “movies” on their computer…

  5. Moscow is not Europe anymore. They’ve sacrificed that identity fully now

  6. AntonioLovesHippos on

    Russia’s greatest citizen, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, was a gay man.

  7. SnOOpyExpress on

    well, they just ” found ” 50 new volunteer-recruits for the Special Operations in the South

  8. dat_9600gt_user on

    Still telling people what to do and arresting people left and right like it’s Soviet times.

  9. J-96788-EU on

    Given that Putin can send prisoners to the front I’m not surprised that he is trying to lock everyone up.

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