Sind die Banken bereit, all diese Münzen und Scheine ohne großen Aufwand umzutauschen, oder muss ich sie alle selbst bei einer Bank umtauschen, oder gibt es eine Grenze, wie viel ich umtauschen kann? Ich habe einige Nachforschungen angestellt und alle Münzen von 1967 und älter herausgenommen.

    Von Zappendaddy


    1. You’ve got some nice stuff there.

      Some of the currency that is worth face value (eight series, like the le courbusier 10 franchs, giacometti 100 etc.) you have to exchange with the BNS (EDIT: or some field office). I think you can go to their office or mail it. Banks won’t exchange it any longer.

      Here the info:

      Some stuff seems to be worth more than face value (I see some nice silver coin and commemorative 5 CHF?). Then you could maybe try Ricardo?

    2. Mountainpixels on

      Exchange the banknotes at the SNB in Zurich or Bern. The coins are still all legal tender, spend it at a restaurant or while shopping groceries.

      Also, all 1969 five franc coins still have some silver, I wouldn’t spend them too.

    3. 5 CHF coins minted in 1969 or before 1967 have silver on them and are more valuable then face value

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