Hallo 👋 Ich bin gerade nach Deutschland gezogen und habe festgestellt, dass meine Schlafzimmertür weder ein Schloss noch einen Schlüssel hat. Der Vermieter sagte, es sei ein Schlüssel dabei, aber das war nicht der Fall. Nach langem frustrierendem Hin und Her sagten sie schließlich, ich könnte ein Schloss einbauen, wenn ich möchte.
Nun muss ich mir überlegen, was für ein Schloss oder welchen Schlüssel ich für diese Tür kaufen muss. Es hat einen runden Griff mit einem Loch, das aussieht, als wäre es für ein Schloss gedacht, aber ich habe keine Ahnung von diesen Dingern.
Jeder Rat wäre super hilfreich! Danke! 🙏
Von Oscartun
A key shold look somthing like [this](https://ogele.de/ABUS-Ersatzschluessel-Einsteckschloss-ES-BB-universal-Nr-01-bis-Nr-10).
Locks usually come integrated into the mechanism, a so called [Einsteckschloss](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einsteckschloss).
If you can find the manufacturer of your Einsteckschloss you can maybe just buy a replacement key. look with a flashlight into the keyhole to see what kind of key you need.
If you want to change the lock you have to exchange the whole mechanism (Einsteckschloss). Buy a new one, pop of the handle and the cover on the door. Take out the screws under the covers and on the side of the door were the latch is. put new mechanism in and put it all back together. Just buy the correct one they come in left and right versions.
If your current einsteckschloss really has no lock/deadbolt look on the door frame if there are two mortices one for the latch and one for the dead bolt. if there are two your can just replace it.
Here is a youtube video on how to change these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tofb9N9UdJE
Are you sure there is no actual lock in that door? That would be very uncommon.
Just check throughly, replacement keys are available online or at pretty much any mall-locksmith-shop.
This is how they look like, there are multiple “forms” available.Keep in mind, those locks are not super safe. Everyone with a suitable key can still open the door.
If you want it to be safer, just get a “Schließzylinder”.
You can get those in pretty much any hardware store. Make sure to take the correct measurements as different sizes are available. The door needs to be suitable for installation though.
you need something [like this](https://www.amazon.de/Standard-Zimmert%C3%BCrschloss-T%C3%BCrschloss-Buntbart-Schl%C3%BCssel/dp/B09TY5X5WD/ref=sr_1_18?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Cw0U0Hx0CG0C01iAItKFuziJwTobgfDKGRyd44CUHPns7xoNCxG6PhisNqCaNHYX0u2DRnq90F_RM8XQa015R_hEfXisNv4uAaXzoFJFNobHOn7ksinUyjOcxHVA5a9X9CUMM-WMRpEXfeJeqk7X_QP6ImsmrOYYUS4jeLbJ1q24078mIlyyGC_icmMBvKTpgRNo2p7eMPbluTS8Q0EwmQIrTQheivR3dLXhuaVUdbcztajmYz4zWEBkrZxLTeLtAMX2A0S-ND0VRqmfbuWn3_2hYqdf1vN7-TRc0efcep8.-gcz3sMTZMmMwPz2r_jPflIwADYXOE5fhmJodzmBhdI&dib_tag=se&keywords=zimmer%2Bt%C3%BCr%2Beinsteckschloss&qid=1728734514&sr=8-18&th=1)
but beware, [measurements are important](https://schluessel.discount/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/einsteckschloss_masse.png)