Schachweltmeister nach Ländern

Von EstablishmentOne3438


  1. rishinator on

    It should be championships not champions, so far India has only 1, hopefully soon to be 2

  2. The title should be world chess championships won by countries. E.g. India and Norway have only one world chess champion (Carlsen and Anand) and they have won/defended their title 5 times each.

  3. onlyneedthat on

    Aussies cannot win at chess because they always spill beer on the board.

  4. twogunsalute on

    I expected a lot more countries, particularly from central and eastern Europe or the Middle East, so I looked at the Wikipedia page and am now even more confused about how it works. Sometimes, a tournament is every year, then every two, it’s like they just make it up as they go.

  5. Lironcareto on

    Representing historical data on a map with current borders is never a good idea.

  6. Kimberly4O4Hill on

    Russian players dominate the list! Who’s your favorite champion?

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