Handelsministerin sagt, sie sei „enttäuscht“ über den Bericht über eine Fraktionsrevolte zur Absetzung von Trudeau



  1. It’s the only reasonable play the liberal party has. The Trudeau brand is toxic. They may still lose the next election under new leadership, but losing 28% to 35% is a lot different than 20% to 45%.

  2. smittyleafs on

    I suspect many Canadians vote for the party or party platform they prefer, not their specific MP. All these back benchers know their days are numbered with Trudeau’s Liberals polling horribly. Their only chance at re-election is a rebranded Liberal party under new leadership + the Liberals appearing to solve enough problems + PP being a terrible choice to lure moderates. (Not that it currently matters, people are way more disenfranchised with Trudeau than they dislike Pierre)

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