Rat kauft Häuser für Flüchtlinge, die vor Konflikten fliehen


Von ParkedUpWithCoffee


  1. Dull-Equipment1361 on

    And the councils are the first to cry about funding and claim they’re on the brink of bankruptcy

  2. denyer-no1-fan on

    >”In case people are concerned about the type of people it is aimed at, the objectives of this are to support recent humanitarian schemes such as the Afghan and Ukrainian schemes which offer sanctuary via safe and legal entry routes.”

    These houses are for Ukrainians and Afghans who worked for the UK while we were there. We let them down in 2014 and 2021, it’s absolutely right that we provide help to them.

  3. KumSnatcher on

    And council houses for people who are already here and have or desire families? Where are the government grants for this ? Young Brits should just have to scrape together deposits and live with their parents or pay a private landlord’s third BTL mortgage for ten years before they can buy a hovel of their own and start settling down ?

    Stop the handouts to people who have never paid a penny of tax in the UK in their life.

  4. Apez_in_Space on

    I’m all for giving homes to anyone who helped the British in a conflict. But I don’t agree anyone else should be a priority over our own people, including Ukrainians.

  5. the_boat_of_theseus on

    Absolutely disgusting when we have a housing crisis and homeless people are at all time high

  6. Lidl_Security_Guard on

    “The proposal was unanimously approved by the council.”


  7. Lidl_Security_Guard on

    Any help for the millions of taxpaying citizens struggling?

    This prioritizing of foreigners over British citizens is indescribably wrong.

  8. Meanwhile I’m seeing more homeless people than ever when I go into town. Shouldn’t we be helping the people who were already here first?

  9. bibby_siggy_doo on

    I smell a cunning rat.

    Buy the homes with government money and give to Ukrainians or Afghan translators for a year, house can then be used for normal council housing and mostly paid for by the government. If I’m right, all councils will start to do this.

  10. AcademicIncrease8080 on

    Will these homes actually be for refugees fleeing conflict or will it be for economic migrants arriving via smuggling gangs at Dover who are very much not from warzones e.g. Albania, Algeria, Sri Lanka

  11. PsychedelicMagic1840 on

    > The fund was set up to support councils in England to obtain accommodation for refugee families.

    Okay, so this isn’t like they are taking council money and buying places, it’s a fund for refugees.

    But dayum son, can’t that money be better used to help the locals??

  12. Free accommodation is fine, these foljs need help, but full on home ownership? That’s just going to make it even harder to get onto the property ladder.

  13. Purple_Woodpecker on

    The Conservatives have spent 14 years proving that they are a Britain-last party. This area voted for them. They’re getting what they voted for. That’s democracy.

  14. PrometheusIsFree on

    Didn’t we already secure housing for them, at significant public expense, in Rwanda?

  15. _Discombobulate_ on

    Love how our ever-increasing taxes are going towards housing random people with no connection to this country while the rest of us are experiencing a housing / rental crisis 🙃

  16. Illustrated-Society on

    I would not have a problem with this if we didn’t have housing issues ongoing for people already living here.

    Decisions like these just scream attempts at creating more animosity to migrants. Divide and conquer ethos continues to be perfectly executed.

    Whatever side of the spectrum of politics you devote your persona to, I’m sure you hold very polarising views, which keep our ever devolving society to the status quo.

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