König Charles wird „nicht im Weg stehen“, wenn Australien beschließt, die Monarchie abzuschaffen und eine Republik zu werden


Von tylerthe-theatre


  1. EmperorOfNipples on

    In response to a letter from a group.

    It seems unlikely in the near future anyway. It retains popular support and the Albenese government expended its political capital on the last referendum, so one will not be forthcoming.

  2. socratic-meth on

    > The King told anti-monarchists he will not intervene if a vote is held to remove him as head of state.

    What could he do otherwise? Send in the red coats?

  3. Will all of the sudden experts on the Chagos Islands start calling for his head for this?

  4. Voice_Still on

    I for one would like to see Charles suit up in armour and lead the charge!

  5. pissflapgrease on

    bloke unable to do fuck all about it confirms he will do fuck all about it!

  6. no-se-habla-de-bruno on

    It’d be a fucking disaster. Please don’t encourage our government.

  7. not_who_you_think_99 on

    Unelected monarch will not stand in the way of a people’s right to self determination? Wow, how kind…
    One wonders, however, what could this unelected monarch have ever done to stand in the way?

  8. I’ve lived in the UK nearly 8 years and genuinely until a couple weeks ago didn’t have a sense of how much “pride for are empire” there still is.

    Or maybe it’s more of a loud minority, amplified by a right-wing media landscape hellbent on making the new Labour government unpalatable to older generations 🤷‍♂️

  9. botchybotchybangbang on

    What is the rush with this to devolve our commonwealth? Not saying it’s wrong just seems like Starmer is doing his own thing ( pushing the country towards globalism, and no real beliefs or love for UK just Davos over Westminster, his words) by doing this he is appeasing in his mind the liberal labour voters. God I hate politicians

    Yes it’s the King saying this, but…ya know! I loved the Queen because she didn’t get openly involved with politics, but this moron keeps sticking his oar in.

    Edit : grammar

  10. ericrobertshair on

    You know, Charles has won me over. If Australia chooses to become a republic I also will not intervene.

  11. Turbantastic on

    If only the UK could be rid of the parasite family “royals” also….

  12. Longjumping_Stand889 on

    Charles is aware he is an anachronism and William more so. They want the monarchy to outlive them but are ok with its decline. They could decline a bit faster imo, but take what you get I suppose.

  13. EarthPuzzleheaded729 on

    Wonder if he’d react similarly if the UK made a similar decision…

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