Israelische Rakete zerstört katholische Kirche im Libanon; mindestens 8 Tote


  1. Joebranflakes on

    I mean I’m all for holding Israel’s feet to the fire for blowing up stuff that clearly isn’t a military target. But with so many missiles in the air from both sides, it would be nice for any article that puts the blame on one side or the other actually show us why they came to that conclusion. It does not.

  2. BigMuscles on

    In other news, Hamas fires 20,000 missiles indiscriminately at Israel and the international community doesn’t care because it’s not inline with woke American popular culture.

  3. antisocialforkedup on

    Well, why not. If the terrorist holed up there sure by all means

  4. John_Muir_wannabe1 on

    With the Hamas tunnels and bases going under in or near schools and hospitals and anywhere there are innocent civilians, it’s amazing this hasn’t happened more. Israel is making every effort to not hit civilians, unlike the four countries end up to eight groups attacking them.

  5. AnonymousEngineer_ on

    This is the exact reason why burrowing tunnels under cities and using cities as fighting positions, especially if personnel aren’t in uniform, is such an insidious tactic. Doubly so if there’s been absolutely no effort to evacuate civilians to remove them from the crossfire, as has occurred in multiple contested towns in Ukraine.

    While it would be grand if militaries could go back to the concept of fighting away from civilians and having “open cities” that get captured without widespread fighting inside them, I don’t think it’s going to happen. Especially not in a conflict where the likes of Hamas and Hezbollah are combatants.

  6. thirteensouls on

    Using a protected structure for military purposes means that structure loses its protected status.

  7. Is every building Israel fires upon going to be a new article? Who was hiding in the underground bunker? I understand there are casualties that could be avoided, but how about not firing 20,000 rockets into Israel? How does that sound as a starting point? How the fuck are they getting that much money to spend in buying rockets? I know why….it baffles my mind how Iran is still not getting all fingers pointing at it when everyone seems to care when Israel does something bad.

  8. likes_the_thing on

    Conveniently leaving out why that church had to be attacked in the first place?

  9. Why would you attack a church? Israel, you gotta stop just shooting without aiming first!

  10. BillPsychological850 on

    8 what dead?? chickens? women ? hezbollah terrorists? If it was civilians surely it would be included in the title as 8 civilians killed. When the dead are islamic radical terrorists they just leave out the label so that people can make their own assumption and get more clicks on the article.

  11. myrainyday on

    I doubt this was intentional, but intentional or not this is bad. Churches, Schools, Hospitals should be off limits.

    Are there tunnels, bunkers beneath? What is the context here? Did they intend to hit a church or it was an accident?

    This situation is getting out of control. For a while now.

  12. OnTheList-YouTube on

    This is why we should’ve stopped helping them a LONG time ago. They commit war crimes and we fund them….

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