Sean Baker sagt, dass das Publikum bei der UK-Premiere von „Anora“ Filme ohne „Superhelden und Explosionen“ braucht


  1. Hi_Im_Dadbot on

    Yes. Sounds like something I’d be more than happy to watch on my couch a couple of months after a theatrical run.

    If I’m going to pay to go to the cinema, though, I need a visual experience to make the price worth it to see on the big screen.

  2. No one’s ever forced me to watch any movie. I doubt the audience needs someone to choose for them.

  3. smokingpen on

    This feels like something someone says when their movies aren’t well regarded.

  4. brokenwolf on

    It’s okay to like big dumb action movies and small dramas at the same time. I hate the gate keeping that happens. They both serve their own purpose.

  5. DoubtfireEstates on

    Good thing there’s easy access to different films.

    This honing in on the mass appeal films is so tiring. I’ve straight up never had a problem with accessing different types of movies. Comments like Baker’s just make them sound up their own ass about their preferences.

  6. Curleysound on

    I wanna see a movie about AI Gordon Ramsay running around causing chaos. So there.

  7. Poundaflesh on

    For love of Dog, no more apocalyptic Hellscapes or Hunger Games!

  8. Agreeable-Pick-1489 on

    We’re getting more small dramas and serious films and TV series in a YEAR than we did during any random 5 year period you care to name in the 70s, 80s or 90s.

    OK, very little of those reach the big screen I get that, but that’s just the world we live in now.

  9. SirPaulyWalnuts on

    As an audience member I don’t feel like I need to be *told* what I *need*.

  10. All these highbrow actors and movie consumers love to shit on superhero and action movies dont they… yes we get it, those movies arent good enough for your sophisticated tastes… 

  11. Lost_Hunter3601 on

    What a pretentious assclown. There’s tons of genres of movies/music/art I don’t enjoy. You know what I do? I don’t spend my money on them, and DGAF if the ones who enjoy them do.

  12. I always hated this sort of rethoric, dumb popcorn movies have always existed so now we have to get rid of them because some people are too pretencious that want to gatekeep everything. But yeah we definitely need Cinderella story number 3457 but this time she is a sex worker.

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