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I am banned from most of the subs I used to comment in for not being a democrat or communist or some.other kind of leftist lunatic don’t feel bad.
So… What’s the “delusion”?
Good for them, I’ve had that sub muted forever.
Yeah it’s not too hard, and they don’t like that.
Annoying, but it is what it is.
Isn’t part of the sanity check on reedit is if you’re banned from /whitler.
Garden variety regards suffering from hive mind. Don’t inundate yourself with that bullshit
Welcome to the club! If you want a laugh, punch my user name into reveddit. One of my comments on this sub got me the “threat of violence” comment deletion auto message. Most of the recent post are almost entirely “auto/mod” deletions, but if you look at the actually content of those comments it doesn’t make any sense.
I think I’ve racked up 5 reddit permabans at this point, they’re completely powerless
It’s funny how the toxic-left dominate on the most popular platforms and use that loud minority to rule over others…attacking any thought not in line with their agenda…..all while attacking anyone on the right who would even suggest a place for us online away from the unAmerican censorship, as an attempt to create a place for ‘hate speech’.
What did you say? The public needs to know what they’re censoring.
not having blackpeopletwitter and whilepeopletwitter on my feeds was one of the best things to ever happen to my reddit. for the longest time they would just show up on my home feed……worse shit ever.
Is Reddit now owned by the CCP or something? WTF is going on??
Whitepeopletwitter ?
Msm is practically dead, and so they full on censored everything and brought their political rhetoric bs with them. I’ve had to hold my tongue many times on these socials, got to the point where I deleted most and live in a bit of peace now. It’s just sad how hateful political conversations have become and the fact no one seems to question why that is…
Only keeping Reddit around because there is still valuable information to be found here spite how controlled and censored it is.
After a while this will be the only sub we are allowed to comment in. Too many rules and censorship in this bitch
I had to leave that sub. They’re literally delusional. They did you a favor. It’s a massive part of the propaganda machine.
Don’t you just hate it when people play the victim over minor inconveniences.
I’m banned from more than I can count for participating in this sub, supporting Trump or resisting COVID.
Bpt has a country club which would be wild the other way around
I don’t see any political signs in yards this cycle. Neither side.
Getting banned by pussy subs is just a rite of passage at this point.
Try the Israel sub , sheesh zero jokes tolerated, if only they knew I align closer to them
OP, Welcome to Reddit. It is just the way it is. I think that the MOD system needs to be reformed or at least have a way to appeal to Reddit to get reinstated to a sub. Hopefully, by talking to a human being. Reddit is a wonderful platform that in most cases is like mainlining information. It is sad that the mods react this way to an innocuous comment.