Billie Eilish, Nicki Minaj, Jon Bon Jovi und über 200 Künstler fordern Schutz vor „räuberischem Einsatz von KI“


  1. From the article

    >More than 200 music artists including stars like Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Billie Eilish, Stevie Wonder, J Balvin and Jon Bon Jovi have signed an open letter warning against the “predatory use of AI” in the music industry.
    >On Monday, the group of artists released the letter acknowledging AI’s “enormous potential to advance human creativity” but also warning that powerful companies could use their original work to train artificial intelligence models and eventually replace human musicians altogether.
    >“We must protect against the predatory use of AI to steal professional artists’ voices and likenesses, violate creators’ rights, and destroy the music ecosystem,” the letter states.

  2. nibselfib_kyua_72 on

    We should ban covers and sampling too. Also, musicians shouldn’t be allowed to listen to any music, in order to avoid being influenced by it.

  3. how are they going to get “ protections “ against ai? Does Ai follow laws? Can you punish Ai? Ai doesn’t even need to say the truth, if it doesn’t want too, since no one can force to do anything

  4. questionableletter on

    Destroy their profits more-like. They phrase this in a way that it’s impossible to argue against but none of it really matters since this is a decentralized technology.

  5. OnABoatWithAGoat on

    Easy to say “won’t someone think of the millionaires” in a condescending way as the intelligentsia is wont to do but without legitimate safeguards and laws that actually have teeth it will be very easy for AI to fool, dupe, and take advantage of people in daily life and especially in emergency situations

  6. Scholarish on

    Yeah, because they are making obscene amounts of money. Let’s not censor or put limits on technological advancement because of greed. Artists can still do what they love. They are just mad they might make 4 million instead of 40 million.

  7. My biggest fear is if we just do nothing these stars may have to sell one of their mansions, we need to act now

  8. isopods-13 on

    textile workers call for protections against predatory use of industrial looms

  9. I highly doubt that an AI can replace an outstanding artist. Freddie Mercury level of talent is safe. Even Taylor Swift’s songwriting talent is safe (but probably not her singing one).

    As for the rest – the average musicians, songwriters, singers, etc – yes, they can be replaced. And it probably won’t affect quality much if at all. But we do risk that less people will go into these professions, which means we may have less of great talent joining the ranks as well. But this will be a general problem with AI – it’s relatively easy to replace lower level, inexperienced people with AI. But it’s much harder to do it with higher level people. And you won’t have enough experienced highly skilled people if you remove all the intermediary positions.

  10. Reasonable-Owl-56 on

    Our interests are aligned on this.

    Just because they rich, doesn’t mean we all aren’t fucked the same by companies with AI.

  11. I don’t see how there’s any way to avoid what happens next, but it’s going to wreck the music industry (or at least the human performers part).

  12. Fine-Geologist-695 on

    The use of AI to impersonate or attempt to create and mimic an artist (and actor) is a major problem for all artists and not just the wealthy and popular ones.

    There may be a place for AI created works but should be put along side human artists and not a replacement for them, the markets will decide which they prefer to support with their money.

  13. Chi11broSwaggins on

    Given the cesspool of personalities that exist within it, I see no problem with AI completely upending the industry.

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