9 von 10 FDA-Kommissaren zwischen 2006 und 2019 arbeiteten anschließend für die Pharmaunternehmen, für deren Regulierung sie zuständig waren. 65 % des Arzneimittelprüfungsbudgets der FDA kommt direkt von der Pharmaindustrie.

Von Orangutan


  1. How do you convince people of this? Is it even true? Does it even matter? What’s the long term…

  2. Tulin7Actual on

    You forgot to show where they go back to the FDA to approve the stuff that was worked on while they were at the pharmaceutical company. Cuz that’s how those things gets passed and they likely get royalties. At least some have done that.

  3. Smartasses are always asking, “Well, who are ‘They’? Who is this ‘They’ you’re always talking about, huh?”

    These are just a handful of “Them”.

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