Donald Wright: Der erste Schritt zur Lösung der kanadischen Immobilienkrise? Implementieren Sie eine nicht wahnhafte Einwanderungspolitik
Donald Wright: Der erste Schritt zur Lösung der kanadischen Immobilienkrise? Implementieren Sie eine nicht wahnhafte Einwanderungspolitik
Can we just finally start acknowledging that all of this has always ever been about wage suppression and wealth preservation? Any other problems caused by a horrible immigration policy are just along for the ride.
This was absolutely deliberate
Determining how much to reduce immigration depends on:
• Desired pop-to-house ratio.
• Target date to achieve ratio.
• Number of houses Canada can construct over time.
Scenario calculations suggest:
• Re-establishing the 2021 population-to-house ratio by 2031 [this was already bad]
• Building houses in 2024–31 at the same rate as 2016–23.
• The 2016–23 period had the highest 8-year housing completions since 1975–82.
• Uncertainty exists if this construction rate can be sustained due to industry stresses.
• Based on this scenario, Canada needs to limit new PRs and net increase in NPRs to an average of 175,000 per year until 2031.
• This is a significant reduction from the 640,000 per year average over the past 5 years.
• The federal government plans to limit NPRs to 5% of the population.
• Under this plan, a net reduction of 680,000 NPRs by 2031 would occur.
• This allows for an average increase of PRs of 270,000 per year, nearly halving current target of 500,000.
• The average annual increase in PRs before the current government was 255,000 per year.