Diddy behauptet, die Heimatschutzbehörde habe das Video, in dem er Cassie geschlagen habe, durchsickern lassen, was im Grunde bestätige, dass es sich bei ihm um einen verbrannten Vermögenswert handele



    1. wobbly-cheese on

      cause that makes much more sense than a minimum wage security guy selling it for some beer money. what a tool.

    2. LanceHardwick on

      burnt asset? no this event is entirely scripted and intentional. the double they have going on makes this very clear. this was planned well beforehand.

    3. Spooks_Corrupt_XXXXX on

      Then diddy dumb ass makes a video apologizing for beating Cassie–admitting Felony DV!!!

      Diddy dumb ass’ crime wave went on for decades…but with 6 weeks until the Fake Election 2024 they charge him??? Riiiiight.

      I wouldn’t put it past the Dems that busting Diddy was originally meant to distract from the Hunter Biden trial–funny how when it finally went to court he crapped his pants and pled guilty so the evidence wouldn’t be presented in court.

    4. odetolucrecia on

      i honestly think there is a good possiblility diddy was abused himself….look at who hes been around.

      Drugging people is not some skill you pick up at your local community college.

      I think diddy got groomed, abused, strung out on drugs, drunk on power, lost in the sauce, started satiating his every whim and desire then got to high on hedonism which warped him thats when he started really fulfilling toxic sexual desire then went full kamikaze trying to insulate himself from accountability.

      i dont think he was ever interested in anything bigger than his own desires….but the people who were eventually around him, well thats anyones guess what they were up to.

    5. Freewayshitter1968 on

      Honest questions. 1) what’s a burnt asset? 2) what is Homeland Security’s interest? I understand the cops, FBI and district attorneys interests

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