Trump sagt, er werde den Autor des Projekts 2025 verpflichten, wenn er die Wahl gewinnt


  1. Virtual-Squirrel-725 on

    Of course he will.

    If there are any voters out there who believe Trump or his supporters when they say “he doesn’t know anything about it” and “it’s not his plan” and vote for him based on this assumption – you are crazy and you better read it fast because that is what you’re going to get.

  2. Trump has basically admitted with this announcement that Project 2025 will be the official Whitehouse strategy, putting asleep those who felt the need to deny or to cover up this disturbing plan for America.

    For those who still need a reminder, in the words of *Project 2025* itself , the administration aims (against the very wishes of most of its GOP voters) “t*o i*mpose a specific religious ideology on the nation’s education, justice and healthcare systems;” to “criminalize healthcare providers;” to  “centralize power;” to “privatization of the departments of education and justice;” to use the Comstock Act to Nationalize abortion (see more below).

    Sofia Nelson, a close, law school friend of J.D. Vance, has written extensively to ring the alarm bells about our future should Trump win the office. She reminds us that Vance (and Trump) and his intellectual mentors are benefiting from the conflation of MAGA and “post-liberalism,” because if Americans truly understood post-liberalism, they’d realize it seeks to strip them of individual freedom” : [](

    In the words of the right-wing extremist blogger, Curtis Yarvin, who J.D. Vance describes as a central influence: “If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia.” “Step one in the process” says Vance himself, “is to totally replace — like rip out like a tumor — the current American leadership class, and then reinstall some sense of American political religion.” 

    Welcome to the new Vance / Trump administration. Below are citations from *Project 2025* that illustrate its overt attempt to embed religious doctrine into U.S. law:

    **• Page 13:** Would infuse “the pursuit of Blessedness” into every level of government decision-making, threatening the constitutional separation between state and church.

    **• Pages 333, 375 and 548:** Would dismantle non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ-plus Americans.

    **• Pages 326-352:** Would put the bible into the classroom by funneling taxpayer dollars into private religious schools while erasing science-based curricula in favor of religious ideologies such as creationism. It would allow teachers in federally run schools to run the classroom according to their faith.

    **• Page 459:** Would criminalize abortion nationwide through an outdated Victorian-era law known as the [Comstock Act](

    **• Pages 477-482:** Would mandate a “biblically-based” definition of marriage and family, restricting marriage to only that between a man and a woman.

    **• Page 494:** Would dismantle civil rights protections in the name of “religious liberty,” providing a license to discriminate,

    **• Page 586:** Would allow religious employers to discriminate against employees based on their beliefs, in ways that would otherwise be illegal for other institutions.

    **•  Page 589:** While otherwise gutting overtime laws, it would establish Sunday as “the Sabbath,” and force employers to pay overtime to all employees working on Sundays.

    It even seeks to turn the Department of Health and Human Services into the “department of life,” with the sole aim of promoting heterosexual marriages and restricting access to reproductive health care.

    “Rep. Huffman’s revelations are a wake-up call for every American concerned about our democracy, the First Amendment and the separation between religion and government,” says FFRF Action Fund President Annie Laurie Gaylor. 

    “Project 2025 poses an unprecedented threat to our secular republic,” Gaylor adds. “If we allow Christian nationalists to redefine our laws and institutions based on their narrow, theocratic vision, we will lose the core liberties that make America the ‘land of the free.’”

    The stakes have never been higher. Welcome to the new, Trump / Vance administration. VOTE BLUE as early as possible, and volunteer if you can.

    So much is at stake in this election. Please vote Blue.

  3. So he went from “I’ve never heard of it but boy oh boy it sure sounds crazy” to “yeah, me and the guy who wrote it are pals and I’m gonna give him a job”.

    And crickets from his supporters, of course.

  4. Elegant-Sky-7258 on

    Of course he will. And those who think Trump is crazy, no, Trump is not crazy at all. Trump simply wants to be a dictator, king, or kinda Hitler type being. You may call it a wannabe dictator. Trump is super selfish guy thinking only about his gain, his profit, nothing else. He will throw anybody under the bus; wives, kids, friends, anybody, just for his gain. He will lie, lie, lie, and only think about him alone. And yet, those MAGA idiots vote for him. Trump could win in 2024; the USA is a shit country It is really, and the USA is still a strongest country. Where are we going from here??

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