Aus kurzer Entfernung wurde eine Drohne gefilmt, die aus Richtung Mittelmeer kam und vom Libanon aus startete. Sie flog über mehrere Wohnhochhäuser hinweg, bevor sie eine Altenpflegeeinrichtung in der Stadt Herzliya traf.

Von dotcovos


  1. DammmmnYouDumbDude on

    Oh boy…….. SOMEBODY is gonna pay dearly for that one!

  2. DanDan1993 on

    r/PraiseTheCameraMan and also how much trust do you have in the world to just film it

  3. RussianFruit on

    “Hit an elder care facility” but the terrorist simps assured me that they only hit military targets and not deliberately target civilians 😱

  4. RedPandaReturns on

    Can you imagine how awful it must be to not feel safe in your own homes every night because bombs are incoming. Just imagine what that must be like for say like, a year and a few days…

  5. PickleWineBrine on

    Air raid sirens… Let’s go outside and take videos for content.

  6. wee-willie-winkie on

    How terrifying. People know the risks but think they don’t apply to them.

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