„Er ging, ohne die Rechnung zu bezahlen“: Bericht enthüllt Trumps unbezahlte Honorare gegenüber Kundgebungsstädten



  1. Cute-Perception2335 on

    Imagine that. The guy who stiffs contractors, lawyers, charities and everyone who does business with him stiffs the cities where he held rallies. You have to be weapons grade stupid to extend any credit to Trump.

  2. onceinawhile222 on

    I heard some arenas won’t let him use facilities without upfront cash.Ask Rudy how quickly Donald pays his bills if you have questions.

  3. Crazy-Nights on

    Don’t understand why cities allow this. Sue and make him pay in advance in the future

  4. SuccessfulPiccolo945 on

    Taxpayers are now paying money that could have created revenue for those cities and counties. Money that could have gone to infrastructure, etc. DonOLD and his crew just shovel it off to Secret Service. No, DonOLD, that’s what campaign funds are used for. I don’t see why anyone would let him hold a rally without money upfront.

  5. Environmental-Arm365 on

    He is and always has been a lying, cheating, POS grifter. Undoubtedly the taxpayers will pick up the tab to cover the shortfall. Citizens screwed over by a narcissist who thinks he’s entitled to the cities resources without paying and this is just business as usual for Cheetolini

  6. OverlyComplexPants on

    Shouldn’t the cities really be paying HIM for the privilege of basking in his divine awesomeness for even a short time? /s

  7. Islandripp360 on

    So what’s new? He’s known to be a deadbeat forever – specifically with his own company(ies), not paying contractors, etc. This is old news.

  8. Fancy_Flan8760 on

    Trump still owes Tucson, Arizona over $83,000 from his ‘visit’ in 2016. He came to Southern Arizona last month. The City of Tucson made Trump pay $156,000+ upfront for that ‘showjob’. Good on you Tucson, you people know how to spot con-artists.

  9. GloomyTraffic6700 on

    Perhaps more employers need to hire Trumpiots. They have no moral objections to not paying people for labor society they can free labor. Unless they care to acknowledge their terminal hypocrisy.

  10. The grifter grifts…it’s his nature. He is so narcissistic he believes comps are owed him due to his huge reputation and character

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