Gespräche über einen Wiederbeitritt Großbritanniens zur EU könnten in zehn Jahren beginnen, sagt Peter Mandelson. Labour-Kollege meint, dass es in der Zwischenzeit unbedingt notwendig sei, zu versuchen, den Schaden des Brexit-Deals von Boris Johnson zu begrenzen

Von ByGollie


  1. cheesemaster_3000 on

    It’s so convenient when all the bad things a country did can be blamed on one guy while the interest groups that put him in power remain. It would be nice if Britain rejoined but letting them have all the EU benefits and none of the responsibilities gives an example to other countries that there’s no repercussions for leaving.

  2. krazydude22 on

    Bold of him to assume that there will be a Labour Govt in Power in 10 years

  3. Ac1De9Cy0Sif6S on

    Labour won’t win the next election lmao, they might even not make it the full 5 years as unpopular as they already are

  4. WillingnessBoth2298 on

    Crazy how badly brexit has failed. If they lost 20 referendums in a row year by year it wouldn’t be as disastrous as it ended up with them leaving the way they left

  5. In the meantime it is essential to institute a proper constitution, so UK can’t drop out on a whim again once it’s in (if ever).

  6. IllustriousLynx8099 on

    Farage will be sleeping easy at night if Mandleson is leading the charge to rejoin

  7. Objective_Ad_9581 on

    The word referendum will remain cursed in the uk for a couple of years.

  8. >“So the new government will have to focus in the meantime on mitigating the higher barriers we have created to our nearest and largest market as best we possibly can.”

    Yeah keep dreaming Pete. Our trade surplus with the UK is growing while they can’t even turn on border checks and the prime minister is crying about how bad the TCA is for them every other week. That deal might be awful for you but it’s great for us.

    Enjoy your “Brexit benefits” and see you in 10 years, when the EU answer will be “lol no”

  9. No, EFTA by end of this parliament then look into accession during parliament term 2 please.

  10. Material-Spell-1201 on

    they had a referendum, that’s what the people voted for and politicians should respect the will of the citizens.

  11. Chester_roaster on

    Person who never wanted to leave says Britain could rejoin in ten years, how is this even news? 

    Yeah of course it could but it won’t and ten years is too long to predict anyway 

  12. JourneyThiefer on

    I wish, but at least joint the customs union again so all this Irish Sea border shite can just end

  13. Ok-Concentrate943 on

    Brexit is one the worst decisions ever, to have such a monumental decision decided by 2% majority is a joke. Though it’s still not the worst things to happen in 2016.

  14. Peter Mandelson should get over it. They lost. EU membership won’t come back. The EU would be only so stupid to give a third chance to a former member that would clamour for special treatment and/or brexit 2.0, unless they want to increase instability.

    The UK would be only so stupid to reapply, knowing that previous special conditions like exemption from € and Schengen wouldn’t reapply and that it would reignite internal divisions which have only just subdued.

    It’s a bad idea on both sides, that is only attractive if you wear rose tinted lenses on the previous 40 years of UK membership.

    ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

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