Die Arbeitslosenquote sinkt in Kanada auf 6,5 Prozent, da die Arbeitsmarktdaten die Erwartungen übertrafen



    1. nubcakester on

      Unemployment rate down, cheap labour and gig work up, basically, this number is a bit deceitful.

    2. Strong_Payment7359 on

      nearly 100% of the wage increase metrics came from government positions. Nearly every other sector reported flat or declined wages, along with a lower GDP per capita. More people driving Uber now. They also don’t include people who have been searching for more than a certain period, they exclude a huge number of people who don’t have jobs from the unemployment stats.

    3. Efficient_Falcon_402 on

      Where are those jobs? My daughter has been unemployed for over a year in her field (graphic arts and design – ya I know, no need to comment…) but so have other kids we know with useful degrees. 200 resumes sent to job listings, 18 responses, 4 interviews, 3 requests to work on a 1-3 day project to submit the work product for free – resulting in 1 sorry letter and 2 ghostings.

      Meanwhile, retired mom and dad are helping out with $500/month and back working PT at our old jobs to help her.

    4. SuspiciousRule3120 on

      Hours worked, down. Participation rate, down. Participation rate going down means 440200 people left the work force that is attributed to unemployment rate. And these figures will be revised at some point.

    5. EvacuationRelocation on

      It is always good news when we “beat expectations”.

      Canada’s fiscal position is strong and stable.

    6. IndependenceGood1835 on

      You can come up with statistics to prove anything. Forfty percent of people know that

    7. monkeytitsalfrado on

      Probably all public sector jobs like the last time it dropped a bit.

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