Unser Wohlbefinden im Erwachsenenalter könnte durch unsere Freundschaften als Teenager geprägt sein | Die Studie ergab, dass die Förderung des zukünftigen Wohlbefindens und der allgemeinen sozialen Akzeptanz für Teenager im Alter von 13 bis 14 Jahren am wichtigsten ist, während 17- bis 18-Jährige einen engen Freundeskreis benötigen.



  1. From the article: Our teenage years are critical for social development — whether we enjoy them or not. Scientists surveyed teenagers through their adolescence, asking them about the quality of their peer relationships and how accepted they felt, and then catching up with them when they reached young adulthood to measure wellbeing. They found that, for the promotion of future wellbeing, general social acceptance was most important for teenagers aged 13-14, while 17-18 year olds needed a close circle of friends.

    Being a teenager is hard, confusing — and crucially important. Scientists studying teenage socializing have found that teenaged friendships could lay essential foundations for wellbeing in later life, and that not just the kinds of friendships teenagers experience but the timing of those friendships is critical.

    “A teen’s perception of how broadly socially accepted they are by their peers in early adolescence is particularly influential in predicting adult wellbeing,” said Emily Shah of the University of Arkansas, first author of the article in [Frontiers in Developmental Psychology](https://doi.org/10.3389/fdpys.2024.1435727). “Conversely, in late adolescence, the quality of their more intimate close friendships is more influential for predicting adult wellbeing.”

  2. I had neither of those things, is this why I’ve been depressed for 30 years?

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