Obamas bösartiger Angriff auf Trump, indem er vorschlägt, dass er Windeln für Erwachsene trägt, und ihn verspottet, weil er Turnschuhe und Bibeln verkauft, während die Umfragen im Jahr 2024 knapper werden



  1. wuddafuggamagunnaduh on

    First of all, it was an audience member.

    Second, we could start cataloguing all the times Trump has insulted or disparaged someone in his speeches, and we still wouldn’t be done by election day.

    “vicious”. meh.

  2. he told Biden not to run twice and now he has to bail out Biden’s failVP to save his legacy

  3. FlimsyConclusion on

    Vicious? He’s literally just asking how the hell the country has come to this point voting for a megalomaniac.

  4. deviltrombone on

    Unfortunately, Obama’s trash-talking of Trump has a history of backfiring spectacularly. I doubt it’s grown more effective.

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