Ich habe gerade zufällig NHI 2027 gegoogelt und dies ist ein Screenshot der Top-Ergebnisse und ein verlinkter NASA-Artikel aus dem Jahr 2018.

Von PaulMorrison90


  1. InternationalHat8873 on

    I heard on the news the other morning that an exercise has recently done where scientists knocked an asteroid off course

  2. AnInitiate on

    I’m pretty sure that this is part of a hypothetical scenario, and that PDC is planetary defense council. I remember something like this being related to an annual conference where the run scenarios like this.

    Iirc they also failed to stop the impact In this scenario

  3. The 2017 PDC Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario

    A hypothetical asteroid impact scenario will be presented at the 2017 IAA Planetary Defense Conference (PDC), to be held in Tokyo, Japan, May 15-19, 2017. Although this scenario is realistic in many ways, it is completely fictional and does NOT describe an actual potential asteroid impact.

  4. Click link:


    Very top of page, highlighted in red:

    >This webpage does not describe a real potential asteroid impact. The information on this page is fictional and provided only to support an emergency response exercise conducted during the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) 2017 Planetary Defense Conference in Tokyo, Japan, May 15-19, 2017. This is only an exercise.

  5. mean-mommy- on

    Time to call in Harry Stamper and his gang. It’s the only thing that can save us now.

  6. Its a tabletop exercise. It states first thing that this is fictional.

    Do better.

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