Russland verlor an einem Tag 1140 Soldaten, 59 Artilleriesysteme und 70 Drohnen: Kiew


  1. By Joe Edwards – Live News Reporter:

    The Russian military lost 1,140 troops, 59 artillery systems and 70 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the space of 24 hours, according to figures from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    The report, posted early on Friday to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense’s official X (formerly Twitter) page, also said eight tanks, four multiple launch rocket systems, 119 vehicles, and a helicopter was destroyed over the same period. Russia doesn’t publish its military losses, and analysts are skeptical of reports released by both sides.

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  2. The_Roshallock on

    Absolutely appalling losses. I know someone is gonna remind that the exact number shouldn’t be trusted, but then again I’m starting to be inclined to believe it based on consistency alone. Literally for months we’ve been seeing daily reports of losses topping 1k.

    Let’s assume it’s all perfectly true for a moment. How much longer can Russia sustain the material losses? How many more artillery pieces are left? I get that life is cheaper than bargain bin toys at the dollar store but at what point does Russia truly exhaust its ability to wage war?

  3. Another under-1200 day… I’m starting to question Putin’s commitment.

    What happened to sacrifice?

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