Tesla-Aktien fallen vorbörslich um 6 %, nachdem die Enthüllung des Robotertaxi Cybercab keinen Eindruck hinterlassen hat



  1. West-Way-All-The-Way on

    Who is surprised? The world is waiting for the next great thing and when it happens to be not so great then immediate backlash …

  2. Musk makes new vaporware promises and full self driving is still nowhere to be seen (except on Waymo).

    The TSLA share price drop reflects that people don’t believe his hype anymore.

  3. So Tesla isn’t a car company.

    It’s definitely not a truck company.

    And it’s also not impressing anyone as an AI/AV company.

    Where does the shareholder value reside? In Elon’s unhinged mind?

  4. biscotte-nutella on

    Mr promise promises again.

    Like a YouTube comment said perfectly, he’s just kicking the can down the road.

    His only project I’m looking forward to is starship but even that is running on government money they were supposed to spend for the Artemis moon lander project, which they are doing but it doesn’t seem like their focus really. Seems like they care more about private business and starkink

  5. Anything short of Johnny Cab was gonna be a disappointment.

    Hell of a day, isn’t it?

  6. MrDangerMan on

    TSLA earnings numbers come out next week and they’re probably gonna be terrible. He thought he could get out in front of it with this, but probably just made things worse.

  7. No surprises there. The cybertruck was a bit of a disaster, this one to follow in the same direction.

  8. nekrosstratia on

    It was almost certainly (95%) all completely fake. The cars were almost certainly being driven by humans. The robots were 100% being controlled by humans (the ones that weren’t preset doing specific things).

    It’s getting old at this point to say, but… I love my Tesla… I hate Elon… They WILL NOT become autonomous vehicles. (PERIOD).

    As long as capitalism exists, no consumer will own a self driving vehicle.

  9. Who would have thought – Elon attempting to pre-sell snake oil once again!

    It’s amazing to see how people still worship this guy. Investors must just be plain crazy at this point.

  10. ghostboo77 on

    Idk why the robo taxi only has 2 seats. Seems like a giant miss to me, due to that alone.

  11. tonyislost on

    It’s starting to feel like Elon is going down the Trump road. Trump airlines, Trump casino, Trump steaks. All failed, like Elon’s ideas.

  12. He shouldn’t have scrapped plans for the cheaper EV model. What a completely bonkers decision.

    We all know out-of-the-box fully autonomous driving is nowhere near feasibility.

  13. Unless the stock falls to its 2019 levels, people are still way too impressed with whatever they’re doing over there.

  14. I bought my Tesla in 2019, musk was advertising a full self driving package for 7k more. I got an email saying if I upgraded to that, the following year I would likely be able to send my car out as an Uber to make money for me.

    Dude has been lying about self driving for almost as long as he has had national attention.

  15. ilikedmatrixiv on

    The ‘big reveal’ was that Musk’s dream of fleets of autonomous vehicles is only about a year away.

    Something he’s been saying for over a decade now.

    How do you even parody the man? More importantly, how do some people not see through the façade?

    How this house of cards hasn’t fallen yet is beyond me, but I’m well stocked on popcorn and ‘I told you so’s’ for the Musk stans I know IRL. I’ve been calling him a fraud since he came up with the idea of the hyperloop. I’m happy to wait a few more to see the curtain drop.

  16. GunsouBono on

    “2 more years guys. It’ll be awesome, I promise. Oh and here’s a bunch of other half assed ideas I have that will never see real production or value.”

  17. It’s not that. Elon Musk has alienated the majority of his customer base.

    He’s also seems to be mentally ill. And should be on medication.

    He’s borderline criminal with what he does with his social media platform, where he lets disinformation run rampant that fuels violent behavior.

    This man has become dangerous in many ways.

    I’m never buying a Tesla.

  18. Unlike previous product announcements, nobody is going to be saying “wow I can’t wait for the cybercab”

  19. If it said ‘in production coming 2025’ shares probably would have stayed, but you can’t keep saying coming in 2-3 years for 9 years for investors not to tell you to pound sand.

  20. The420Turtle on

    It doesn’t have a steering wheel? Who in their right mind is getting in a car that requires 100% faith in the autopilot?

  21. juan-de-fuca on

    I stopped listening the moment he compared the operating price of a cybercab to that of a bus. Basically, slamming public transportation. That’s not going to benefit anyone.

  22. It’s a shame really. I love my Teslas. Great cars. Love the tech. Elon has gone completely 100% nuts. And he’s losing top employees. Other companies are going to catch up on EV tech (which is good — I’m not a shareholder). And he’s wasting his time on X (90%) and this stupid stuff (10%) instead of Tesla’s core business. I don’t understand how the board or institutional investors haven’t ousted him. He doesn’t own 51%. He should be gone.

  23. Aromatic_Staff_4047 on

    Musk seems to have the same relationship with truth that Trump has. He might be enjoying the vanity aspect of his association with MAGA but the markets and investors aren’t fooled.

  24. WackyBones510 on

    I can’t believe that the announcement that had folks resigning left and right didn’t wow investors.

  25. Minute-Solution5217 on

    In 2013 musk said self driving was 3 years away. Now he’s saying the same thing

  26. somewherein72 on

    I think ‘fails to impress’ really encapsulates my general feeling about Elon Musk and his ventures.

  27. So many classic lies at one event from Elon..

    Maybe he should borrow some from his buddy, “in a short amount of time”, or “in two weeks”

  28. Every_Tap8117 on

    Because it total smoke and mirrors. It’s hype from a total garbage human being

  29. PermitSouth6232 on

    Nothing that was promised, with the build quality of a Power Wheels. Elmo is at the top of his game!

  30. Feisty-Elephant4188 on

    Tesla shouldn’t be allowed to make new vehicles until they fix their existing vehicles

  31. meknoid333 on

    The business case doesn’t make sense.

    At best it’ll replace buses in cities.

    And may bite into uber.

    But having robo taxis isn’t going to magically make everyone want to take them to get around – especially in America where we love driving so much.

    Optimus is a gimmick – a very impressive one that no doubt will serve in niche situations – but no one is going to want a 30k robot shambling around their tiny 500sqrft apartment knocking shit over.

    The tech is impressive – but I don’t think the problem exists that massive amounts of people are willing to pay for.

  32. Steven8786 on

    Tesla board be like “let’s give Elon another 50 billion, he’s earned it”

  33. IamRestart on

    Instead of this self driving BS, can we get a reliable mass transit for everyone?

  34. flamingmenudo on

    I don’t think his vision of Cybercab is coming anytime soon. There are way too many technical, legal, and infrastructure challenges that need to be worked out first.

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