Hallo, Hintergrundinformationen. Ich hatte einen passiv aggressiven Nachbarn, der wütende Notizen an der Tür hinterließ, in denen es um Lärm während des Tages ging.
Der Nachbar übertreibt, um seine Beschwerde vernünftiger erscheinen zu lassen.
Nein, es ist nicht jeden Tag und nur während der Lärmzeiten von 08:00 bis 20:00 Uhr verfügbar.
Sie drohten damit, dass sie die Polizei rufen würden, wenn ich tagsüber nicht aufhöre, Noissa zu machen
Mein Kind tanzt in lauten Stunden in seinem Zimmer zu Musik, nicht zu lauter Musik.
Darf man in Finnland während der Lärmstunden oft Tanzgeräusche in seinem Zimmer machen? Nicht jeden Tag, aber oft, weil Tanzen ein Hobby ist.
Von Special_Beefsandwich
Could you use mat under the kids feet if it’s the stomping echoes around? It can get quite irritating in a long run. I’m not saying you cant make noise, im just trying to figure out the best way to co-exist.
Yes it is allowed they shouldn’t live in an apartment house if noise bothers them.
Unless the kids are elephant sized and they are jumping on the floor with wooden shoes on. Yep, if you have trampoline or jump mattress indoor, get some rubber muffler below it. Everyone will be happier.
There is no strict definition of what is allowed and not allowed in terms of noise. In general the sounds of children playing is considered normal sounds of living, so they are allowed to do it.
Unless the dancing consists of jumping up and down for hours on end, I don’t think it should be a problem.
It doesn’t of course hurt to try to be more considerate and maybe get a thicker carpet or similar unless that hurts the dance practice in other ways.
They are not called noisy hours, when you can have some kind of party indefinitely. During these hours, you can have parties, do renovation work or any noisy activity, but you must not disturb the neighbors all the time and continuously.
if you want to live without worrying about the neighbors, move to a house in the countryside far from the neighbors.
It’s actually quite complicated. The line isn’t set in stone. I can’t remember the details of one case but it was about someone playing piano for hours daily. That was determined to be too much noise. A kid practicing dancing would most likely not be. But even in that case, it takes years to resolve and the end result is usually not satisfactory to either party.
Your neighbor is well within their rights to call the police. I don’t know how that will do anything tho. I won’t go into details to protect my identity but having been in the housing company board, these cases are arduous, lengthy, unsatisfying, bureaucratic and costly to everyone. Child protective services, police, harassment, welfare checks etc are all things you might face. I recommend you try to extend an olive branch to them. Talk to them about what would be a good compromise. You can do this via housing company if you want a mediator.
Btw, don’t call them noise hours. There are silent hours and then normal hours. It sounds like you think it is okay to make noise which is a bit odd too.
Yea go ahead buddy , i play guitar and sing very loudly until 22:00 on weekdays.
Back when my singing wasn’t all that great I had plenty of neighbours move out.
Its not really your problem its their problem if its during the day.
Kids make noise. That’s normal. If one can’t stand that, one should move.
Got it, normal hours. So in Finland its advised not to dance in your room unless you want unnecessary hassle from your neighbours.
You are allowed to make noise in the daytime and to me kids are kids and they are allowed to be happy, playful and sometimes loud. Of course if kids would scream all the time it’s not a nice thing for the neighbour so i would talk to my kids about that if the case is so. But occasional playfulness is all good and if the neighbour is complaining about that i would say him to f off and to call the cops if he wishes so. If jumping makes noise i would get more carpets etc. But yes you are allowed to make noise in the daytime you can listen to music as loud as you want and cops cant say nothing to that. Of course neigbours would not like that too much if that is a daily occurance.
During day noise is allowed and person getting offended by it can move away.
Quiet hours are mentioned in apartment building rules. Usually after 10 or 11pm
Just ignore it.
In some places, the sound of walking gets to the lower apartment really easily and there are some people who are especially sensitive about it. While it is not so unreasonable to practice a bit in the evenings, it probably is not worth it to argue about it, because it won’t really be resolved and these sorts of things can really fall apart easily. Most buildings have the silence start at 22 hours, so the final thing to do is try to get a better apartment building.
That neighbour should just move to a cabin in the middle of nowhere.
Apartment buildings have noise.
Let them call the cops and see what they’ll have to say about it. If they ever even come.
Just ignore it. Most likely, he or she will never do anything because there is probably no real reason (or against any rules). I have a neighbor who constantly complains about the music even though I’m playing it after midday only for few hours and very rarely (once a week at the max). The guy constantly threatens with the police, etc. I’ve been living here for few months now, and nothing has happened. Everytime he comes to knock at my door and starts threating/complaining, I tell him to fuck off and tell him to call the police if he really feels like it.
If and when you eventually switch apartments try to look 1st floor ones. It might seem bit weird but some apartments have good noice cancelation everywhere but the ceiling so it can get really annoying.
As someone who happens to walk by heel striking (kantapää kävely) and also has lived under a neighbor who does the same it is REALLY irritating and opened my eyes to it (So when I can I try to find 1st floor apartments because I really can’t help the way I walk)
This said your kid has all the rights to practice dancing since it’s not done during night time (usually silence starts at 22 and ends 6 or 7) and you’re allowed to make sounds that corresponds to living your life.
This said I don’t think your neighbor put the heippalappu there because of malice they might be someone who works nights and needs the sleep or similar situation.
Sadly, yes.
Shouldn’t have moved into an apartment building if they can’t handle noise during the day.
Screw anyone that writes anonymous letters to neighbors. (I’ve also had to deal with a similar situation) You could attach a message to the hallway noticeboard for the anonymous sender to send the complaint with a name or stfu. It’s almost impossible for you to settle the issue without knowing who sent you the letter.
This is a bully tactic to harrass you into caving in to their demands without ever making a formal complaint.
Also, keep a copy of **every** letter. A record of when you received them, too. Stay strong.