Russen zielen mit FPV-Drohnen auf Zivilisten. Ein Fahrzeug mit der deutlichen Aufschrift „Evakuierung“ wurde angegriffen, wobei mindestens zwei Menschen ums Leben kamen.

Von Swimming-Beyond378


  1. Dudersaurus on

    In fairness, the vehicle attacked doesn’t look like the marked one, unless I’m missing something.

  2. Particular-Bat-5904 on

    There was a clip where u could cleary see guns and armed soldiers in such kind of vehicle.
    How to know, abused or not?

  3. Blowmypocket on

    I am pro UA. But I see only military persons in both cars, not civilians

  4. DefinitelyNotMeee on

    That was debunked. There are TWO vehicles, one marked (which was not attacked), the one which was hit was not only unmarked, but the people inside had weapons (allegedly shotgun) -> valid target.

  5. EarlyMorningTea on

    What is the translation of the words they say that sound like “jeeka jeeka” or deeka deeka” I hear that often.

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