Vor 445 Jahren wurde der osmanische Großwesir Sokollu Mehmed Pascha in Konstantinopel ermordet


Von AlienGeneticHybrid


  1. Gragachevatz on

    Ah thats the guy who was stolen from his parents as a baby as part of “blood taxes”, good old times.

  2. AlienGeneticHybrid on

    Sokollu Mehmed Pasha (birth name Bajica Nenadić) was born in 1505 near modern-day Rudo, Bosnia & Herzegovina to Serbian Orthodox parents. His family would maintain a mixed Islamic & Christian background. Recruited as a Janissary early on, he would receive training & education at Topkapi Palace in Edirne.

    As a soldier he would fight in the [Battle of Mohács](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Moh%C3%A1cs) and the first [Siege of Vienna](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Vienna_(1529)). As a commander, he led Ottoman forces in the conquest of much of Transylvania & Hungary. He would eventually impress the Sultan enough to receive a seat on the imperial council, and later become Grand Vizier.

    As Grand Vizier, he convinced the Sultan to restore the [Serbian Patriarchate of Peć](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serbian_Patriarchate_of_Pe%C4%87) and he appointed his brother, Makarije Sokolović, as the Archbishop and Patriarch. He would also appoint his nephew, [Antonije Sokolović](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonije_I), as the Eastern Orthodox Archbishop of Ohrid.

    Sokollu Mehmed Pasha was assassinated on October 11th, 1579 by a Janissary believed to be in the employ of [Safiye Sultan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safiye_Sultan_(mother_of_Mehmed_III)), the ethnic-Albanian wife of Sultan Murad III.

    The assassin, reportedly a “crazy dervish,” was allowed to enter his quarters, where he stabbed Sokollu Mehmed Pasha with a knife. The Grand Vizier died three hours later.

  3. TheJaymort on

    Wish the same thing happened to every ottoman sultan and official in history

  4. I found it interesting how early ottoman empire rumelia was dominated by South Slavs while later ottoman empire was dominated by Albanians, Greeks, Gerogians

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