Bericht warnt vor kollabierendem Wildtierbestand in der Nähe von „Punkten, an denen es kein Zurück mehr gibt“ | Biodiversität


  1. EnvironmentalRip5156 on

    They said there is still time to reverse the trend. We just need corporations and businessmen to cooperate and populations will recover in no time.

  2. Melodic_Training_384 on

    “*Global wildlife populations have plunged by an average of 73% in 50 years*”   

     I’ve seen estimates that , in the UK for example (I’m British),  insect and sea life populations are less than 3% of their pre-industrai level.

  3. People are the focus on climate change when the direct destruction of ecosystems is a lot worse.

  4. and yet switzerland rjust recently voted against protecting bio diversity by law. because lobbying and fear mongering.

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