Keine Gefängnisstrafe für Fahrer bei Fahrerflucht im Jahr 2021, bei der ein Teenager aus BC getötet wurde


  1. HanSolo5643 on

    Well, of course not. It’s the Canadian justice system, after all. They care more about the rights of criminals than they do after the victims of crime and the safety of the general public.

  2. GiosephGiostar on

    Remember, the best way to kill someone in Canada is by vehicle.

    This reminds me of the death of Alphonsus Hui, where the driver was [initially acquitted]( of criminal fault due to the reason being a “momentary lapse of judgement”. The victim’s family had to [file an appeal themselves to eventually get the driver sentenced to jail](

  3. PippenDunksOnEwing on

    Of course not! Jail is reserved for…i actually don’t know anymore.

    Remember that lady in North Van who drove erratically into a wedding party and killed her neighbor? Of course no punishment.

  4. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    “Lowe was sentenced to serve two years, less a day, in the community and also handed a three-year driving prohibition”

    Hard time for killing a teenager with his car after a confrontation (with others?) and fleeing the scene. Not coming forward, only to be charged three years later.

  5. YellowSpecialist4218 on

    At this point I don’t think our federal government thinks that anybody deserves jail time, no matter what they do. Shameful.

  6. SubtleSkeptik on

    “will not spend time behind bars if he complies with his court-ordered conditions and remains on good behaviour”. So, like what, if he doesn’t kill anyone else in the next few years he’s good?

  7. madplywood on

    Odd justice system. So what happened if someone runs him down “accidentally”?

  8. half_baked_opinion on

    Quite simple, he hit a person and killed them. At the very least it should be a vehicular manslaughter charge. Unfortunately because our prisons are understaffed and underfunded we have nowhere to jail people long term anymore and have to let him go.

    Its at the point where the criminals have more power than the government does which is a big problem.

  9. At this point why even have a justice system what is it actually used for lol

  10. In law, the conditional sentence order is treated as though it was jail time, even though we all know house arrest is less unpleasant than actual jail.

    That said, I suspect the reason he got the light sentence is because the Crown had some serious issues with this case.

    The law says:

    > 320.16 (1) Everyone commits an offence who operates a conveyance and who at the time of operating the conveyance knows that, or is reckless as to whether, the conveyance has been involved in an accident with a person or another conveyance and who fails, **without reasonable excuse**, to stop the conveyance, give their name and address and, if any person has been injured or appears to require assistance, offer assistance.

    And the article states:

    > Seguin then exited the blue Corolla, multiple friends followed behind with golf clubs.

    > Lowe then pulled a U-turn, before heading south on Macpherson, Seguin was then struck by the front right part of the vehicle.

    I am pretty sure that a bunch of angry people nearby with golf clubs would be taken to be a reasonable excuse not to stop.

    At the time, it sounds as though he was repeatedly fleeing a group of people who intended to cause him serious bodily injury or death, which would likely justify the use of force or the driving.

    Given the description in the media, there’s a substantial chance that, but for the guilty plea, the guy would have walked.

  11. If you wanna kill someone just use your car, these fucker get away with everything wow

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