Russische Soldaten verlassen einen russischen Panzer in Saporischschja, nachdem sie getroffen wurden

Von Dredd_Doctor


  1. DataGeek101 on

    Guess they didn’t want to be burned alive. Which is amazing considering how determined they are to die in Ukraine.

  2. Exact-Ad-1307 on

    It’s disturbed, down with the sickness. Was that a land mine?

  3. NoElephant3147 on

    They say the ghost of this is now chasing the russians and asking “why did you abandon me!!!? You don’t abandon your own!”

  4. Like Putin, it is a flaming wreck that keeps burning things without reason.

  5. Eddie10999 on

    Darn… I wanted to see where that tank’s un maned destination would be..

  6. human4umin on

    2s1? If so, it’s a howitzer with little mine protection. It’s another small win for Ukraine.

  7. Drunk_on_Swagger on

    They scrambled off that thing like a momma spider shedding her young.

  8. Is anyone have a real and trusted source where i can find real information about how deep are they in the zaporizhzhia region? My friends tell me they are shelling and attacking until 40 times per day in zaporizhzhia city. And I want to know where they are, are the orcs getting more territory in zaporizhzhia?

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