Hat heute Abend jemand die Aurora gesehen? Ich habe alles mit bloßem Auge gesehen, aber die hier sind kaputt.


Von Accomplished-Boot-81


  1. Additional-Wind8186 on

    Please tell me it will be visible tomorrow as well, I was in a pub drunking and now I am in no condition

  2. WellWellWell2021 on

    Wait for a half hour or so without looking at lights or screens and you will see it as well as your camera sees it. Your eyes have to adjust to the darkness. Even if you look at your phone once you have to start the countdown again for your eyes to adjust.
    I saw so many people tonight looking at their phone screens and then wondering why they couldn’t see it properly with their eyes. It’s because their eyes weren’t given the chance to adjust to dark.

  3. It’s coming and going in Wicklow but I’m not getting much with the camera phone

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