Prozentsatz der Erwachsenen, die weniger als 7 Stunden pro Tag schlafen

    Von doNOTbanthisaccont


    1. I am the peak of the bell curve for ADHD, and i can’t imagine sleeping more than 5 hours a night. I need to drag my living corpse to bed at stupid-o-clock to actually be able to sleep, but i can wake up 5 hours later, at the crack of dawn, and have the best day you’ve ever had…everyday, for years and years.

    2. kendrick90 on

      Is this another population map? Also some clearly bad state lines that seem to show huge differences not in quality of sleep but quality of data.

    3. ajhartig26 on

      I expected to see some clear time zone lines here. I’ve heard that people in the eastern time zone stay up later due to watching TV

    4. germinal_velocity on

      Southerners and Appalachian people? So, the three-jobs-and-meth cohort?

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