Hinter den Kulissen fragen sich besorgte Liberale, ob Justin Trudeau einen Plan für seine Wiederwahl hat: „Der Status quo führt uns in die Vernichtung“



  1. PineBNorth85 on

    He clearly doesn’t. And judging by his interviews lately he plans on running on the past, not the future. That isn’t going to help. 

  2. Looks like the moratorium is over on MPs talking to the press anonymously about their concerns. They seemed to quiet down after LaSalle, and were probably told something like “give it a couple weeks and things will turn around”. Well, time has passed, and the PMO seems to believe that no changes are necessary, cabinet is perfect as it is, it’s just a messaging problem. All that’s left are the yes-men who believe the polls are wrong, everyone else has just given up and quiet quit. If there is an early election, the Liberals will be caught completely off guard, they’re not prepared at all, despite being in such a tenuous situation.

  3. Separate_Football914 on

    He has a plan: keep the current direction and hope that PP will sabotage himself. Granted, PP is his worst enemy and might well lose the election (because, imo, PP is the one who will decide if he win or lose. The Liberal has no say on that), but it might take a very big blunder to sink him.

  4. I can’t believe that the party won’t get rid of him. He’s been in the position for 10 years! It is time to turn the page. This reflects so poorly on the liberal party as whole. A bunch of complacent, insecure, scaredy-cats.

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