Und sagen wir, eine Wetterkontrolle oder die Entstehung von Hurrikanen wäre nicht möglich? Als man im Jahr 2020 China dafür verantwortlich machte, und dann ist da noch das
Ich meine, warum lügen? Wir können also Chiner der Wettermanipulation beschuldigen, nicht aber die US-Regierung?

Von NativeBoi1985


  1. The_og_habs729 on

    They lie about everything. That way you never know whats really happening.

  2. Yo, that link 😂 it’s just a pool of water with a big fan over the top of it, it’s a *simulator* they ain’t doing that shit outside lol

  3. FormerlyMauchChunk on

    “Weather modification isn’t real.”

    “We have to modify the weather more than our rivals, who are already doing it.”

    “We’ve been doing it for decades already.”

    “Weather modification is real, but it’s also a conspiracy theory so try not to notice it.”

  4. Spiritual_Target_647 on

    So the government can blame China (or Russia) for our weather

  5. howdaydooda on

    This is not how hurricanes work. Hurricanes need a hot ocean. Period.

  6. Bluenosesailor on

    “They actually think we can control the weather, this misinformation has to stop”

  7. exploringtheworld797 on

    They lied because if they told the truth and ruined a city with a hurricane or tornado they would be liable. If it’s secret they send condolences until next time.

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